“Can we name it Superman?” he said.

(Courtesy of: No.)

“So…are you on the pill?” he said.
“No…that’s why I gave you a condom,” she said. “…Right?”
He said…nothing.

(Courtesy of: & we were extremely drunk, & he was a stranger)

His First Time

“Ok,” he said. “Let’s see if I can remember health class.”

“I never thought I’d ever say this,” he said, “but let’s get dressed before we get arrested.”

(Courtesy of: in a car while a parade is going by.)

“You’re like an Energizer bunny,” she said.

“Wow. Based on the amount of wine you brought and your oracular feats, I’m pretty sure you’re an alcoholic sex worker.”

“You have the sexiest shoulder blades I’ve ever seen.”