“Wow. Based on the amount of wine you brought and your oracular feats, I’m pretty sure you’re an alcoholic sex worker.”

“You have the sexiest shoulder blades I’ve ever seen.”

“One day you are gonna be up in your loft-penthouse, staring into your enormous fish tank full of exotic tropical fish, and you are gonna be the saddest, loneliest man,” she said.
“Thanks,” he said.
“Gosh, I’m so sorry. I don’t know why I just said that…Was that a little harsh?” she said
“Define ‘harsh’,” he said.

“Sorry, I’m better when I’m drunk.”

“I like you because because your long hair makes you feel like a girl,” she said.

“I’m not going to ruin my $10,000 nose job just so you can get head.”

“Why did he get cookies and I didn’t?”
“Underperformers don’t get cookies.”